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      I want to first thank the membership for allowing me to be a Convention Delegate and represent the membership at the 73rd Biennial Convention in Boston, MA, August 5-9, 2024. While at the convention I attended multiple workshops including Dignity and Respect in the Workplace, Training Opportunities for NALC Reps, Managing Branch Finances, Legislative and Political Update and Safety and Health. As a veteran NALC Activist, these workshops help strengthen the knowledge I have gained over the years and is priceless with helping me on a daily basis enforce the provisions of our collective bargaining agreement on behalf of our members.

      I was also on the Credentials Committee, which allowed me to meet and speak with so many of our delegate brothers and sisters from around the country as they came to register and pick up their convention bags.

2025 FEHB Open Season

      The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) officially announced the dates for the 2025 Federal Benefits Open Season which will run from Monday November 11, 2024, through Monday December 9, 2024. 

      When selecting health insurance for your family, if you are a career carrier then take a look at the NALC health Plan and see what they have to offer. Give us a try for at least a year, if you don’t like it, you can always switch back or to another health plan next year.


      Thanks to all who have made our CCA uniform bank as successful as it has been throughout the years. The Covid-19 pandemic is behind us although Covid-19 still exists, so please continue to make donations to the uniform bank by bringing gently used uniforms and gear to your office. We especially need winter clothes and winter gear. Give them to your steward. He/she will make sure your donation gets to the local union hall. Your donation really makes a difference!

Management performing Letter Carrier Work

      The hall has received several calls from carriers stating that management has been seen delivering mail or taking mail out to the carriers. Under no circumstance should management whether it’s a 204b, title supervisor, manager, or postmaster deliver mail or packages.


Article 1.6.A Section 6. States: Performance of Bargaining Unit Work A.

      Supervisors are prohibited from performing bargaining unit work at post offices with 100 or more bargaining unit employees, except:

1. in an emergency;

2. for the purpose of training or instruction of employees;

3. to assure the proper operation of equipment; Page 1-5

4. to protect the safety of employees; or

5. to protect the property of the USPS.

The prohibition against supervisors performing bargaining unit work also applies to acting supervisors (204b).

Notify your steward if this is happening in your office.


Is your safety being compromised?


      Under no circumstance should your safety be compromised! If you are being instructed or given a “direct order” by management to work unsafe, please notify your steward or call the hall immediately. Your safety is your safety. Management can’t tell you what is safe for you. Fill out the PS form 1767 “Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition or Practice Form” notifying management of the safety hazard. The supervisor must investigate the alleged hazard during the same tour of duty in which the report was received and abate it if they can and record the action taken to eliminate the hazard. The approving official of the form should initiate action to eliminate or minimize the hazard, if management determines no hazard exists, they must notify the employee in writing.


Article 14.2 Section Safety 2.

      Cooperation The Employer and the Union insist on the observance of safe rules and safe procedures by employees and insist on correction of unsafe conditions. Mechanization, vehicles, and vehicle equipment, and the workplace must be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition, including adequate occupational health and environmental conditions. The Employer shall make available at each installation forms to be used by employees in reporting unsafe and unhealthful conditions. If an employee believes he/she is being required to work under unsafe conditions, such employee may:

(a) notify such employee’s supervisor who will immediately investigate the condition and take                 corrective action if necessary.

(b) notify such employee’s steward, if available, who may discuss the alleged unsafe condition with        such employee’s supervisor.

(c) file a grievance at Formal Step A of the grievance procedure within fourteen (14) days of notifying

     such employee’s supervisor if no corrective action is taken during the employee’s tour; and/or

(d) make a written report to the Union representative from the local Safety and Health Committee            who may discuss the report with such employee’s supervisor.

      Remember you don’t have to follow an unsafe instruction from management, make management aware and wait for additional instructions that do not compromise your safety.




      By now, most letter carriers have made up their minds on the candidates that they will be voting for in this 2024 election.

      When you vote, remember to vote for your job and the security of it. We all have our “hot button issues;” however, potentially standing in the unemployment line debating with my neighbor or friend about a hot button issue won’t help me provide for my family. That is why I have already done my homework and researched each candidate. I spoke about my research of each candidate with my husband and 26-year-old son, (both are city letter carriers as well), and voted for the candidates that support our employer, the United States Postal Service.

      We are voting via absentee ballot. It is very simple. I will actually take my ballot and drop it off at the City Clerk’s office myself.

      Take a family member or two today to your township or clerk’s office. Ask for an Absentee Ballot application. Fill it out, and they will give you a ballot right then to vote.

      If you decide to wait until November 05, 2024, take multiple people with you and vote for your job(s). The vote you cast just may save your own job!


-- Jacqueline McGregory

Executive Vice President

Executive Vice President's Report

September / October 2024

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