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Executive Vice President's Report

January / February 2025



      By now all offices should have completed the initial vacation planning for the 2025 annual leave year. Initial planning began December 1, 2024, through January 15, 2025. During that period City Letter Carriers should have made their leave selections within a reasonable period after being contacted. Carriers failing to do so will be bypassed, and when the carrier is ready, they may select from what is available. Carriers should have selected both non-choice and choice vacations by their seniority or relative standing. During the first round of vacation selections, letter carriers may request one (1) or two (2) selections during the PRIME TIME (choice) period in days of five (5) or ten (10) or fifteen (15) days; with the total not to exceed ten or fifteen days on the first choice. Carriers shall not be restricted in the number of weeks selected during the NON-CHOICE period.




      Check your paystubs toverify that your advanced annual leave has been credited to your annual leave balance as of January 31, 2025. This year’s leave was made available for all career full-time letter carriers to use beginning on January 11, 2025. PTF’s and CCA’s earn leave every pay period.



      The 2025 Stamp Out Hunger food drive is Saturday, May 10, 2025. Each year, on the second Saturday in May, letter carriers collect donations of non-perishable food left by the mail boxes and deliver them to the local food pantries or shelters. The NALC Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive has become the nation’s largest one-day food drive, helping to feed the hungry throughout the United States and making a difference in the fight against hunger. The food drive coordinators in your office will have the order forms for the food drive T-shirts and hats. Don’t forget to leave your non-perishable food by your mailbox before heading to work on May 10, 2025.



      The most important task of the day is to remain SAFE throughout the day. Winter is brutal for letter carriers, if at anytime you feel numbness in your hands and/or feet STOP IMMEDIATELY and go warm your hands and feet. Make sure you have hand and foot warmers, ask management for some before you leave the office to deliver the mail. If you need to take comfort stops don’t be afraid to take them. Make sure that you avoid and report unsafe conditions to management by completing a PS Form 1767.

-- Jacqueline McGregory

Executive Vice President

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