Southeast Michigan
Branch 2184
Letter Carrier Political Fund (PAC)

Working to elect members of Congress who support NALC of our political affairs operation. This is an important time to participate in the NALC’s political process. The Letter Carrier Political Fund helps pro-labor, pro-letter carriers candidates get elected so they can go to Washington to support and protect letter carrier jobs. The NALC is not partisan and neither is our fight. Our struggle is for letter carrier jobs and we deserve support for that struggle from all political parties.
How do I become a member and/or contribute?
The easiest way to become a member of the Letter Carrier Political Fund is to contribute through automatic payroll deduction. Stop by branch or call (313-295-1640) with questions about how you can contribute or use the forms below:
Protect your job "Give to the Letter Carrier Political Fund today!" Call 313-295-1640
Branch 2184 Contributors
√ - Indicates you are signed up for automatic contributions.
(R) - Indicates retired members.
LCPF Disclaimer
By making a contribution to the Letter Carrier Political Fund, you are doing so voluntarily with the understanding that your contribution is not a condition of membership in the National Association of Letter Carriers or of employment by the Postal Service, nor is it part of union dues. You have a right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal. The Letter Carrier Political Fund will use the money it receives to contribute to candidates for federal office and undertake other political spending as permitted by law. Your selection shall remain in full force and effect until canceled. Contributions to the Letter Carrier Political Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Federal law prohibits the Letter Carrier Political Fund from soliciting contributions from individuals who are not NALC members, executive and administrative staff or their families. Any contribution received from such an individual will be refunded to that contributor. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per calendar year. Any guideline amount is merely a suggestion, and an individual is free to contribute more or less than the guideline suggests and the Union will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of their contribution or their decision not to contribute.
Allen Park
John Harris III
Jacinthia Hogans-Bunch
Tod Lilla
√ Mark Owen
Kevin Pierson
Karen Russell
√ Kris Shaw
Robert Willbanks
√ Bryon Dendricks
√ Lynn Taylor (R)
√ Cindy Trzeciak (R)
Dearborn Main
Jerry Cerpa
√ Darryl Clay
√ Symone Coleman
√ Wanda Ellison
√ Lisa Franklin
√ Damon Green
√ Yvonne Jackson
√ Bob Panchenko (R)
Karl Tamburro
√ Ed Waldon
√ Tammy Wheeler
√ Leonard Zawisa (R)
√ Margaret Zywicki (R)
Dearborn Annex
√ Mark Cornett
√ Sharry Garcia
Jullian Hudgins
√ Mark Judd (R)
√ Thomas Klecha (R)
Joanne Kuzala (R)
√ Roderick Lelental (R)
√ Melvin MacDonald (R)
√ Carol Macieczni (R)
William Mather (R)
√ Jackie McGregory
√ Brian Robinson
√ Brian Rodden (R)
Sellier Jason
√ Jerry Taylor
√ Cathy Tondreau (R)
√ Joseph Vitie (R)
√ Steven White (R)
Dearborn Heights
Roger Corpolongo (R)
Shawn Fowlkes
√ Hassan Ghoteimi
√ Marwan Ghoteimi
Chanel Harrison
√ Ian Mair (R)
√ James Powell (R)
√ Pam Sellers
Christopher Tostige (R)
Manual Williams
√ James Wolstencroft (R)
√ Jerome Mannlein (R)
Flat Rock
√ Lillian Bogosian
Grosse Isle
√ Rachel Stachulski
Phil Ashford
√ Carl Gibbs (R)
√ Scherrie Lacey
Diama Taylor
√ Kaliah Patrick
Lincoln Park
√ Thelma Balogh (R)
√ Arleen Blanchard
√ Laura Fitzgerald
√ Paula Hall (R)
√ Ronald Hausch (R)
√ Nicole Pace
√ David Reise (R)
√ Barbara Scaggs (R)
√ Scott Watts (R)
√ William Mason (R)
Carissa Creech
√ Joanna MacKinnon
√ Kenneth Masserant (R)
√ Erik Venzke
√ Ricky Hatfield
√ Jennifer Rake
√ Janice Mitchum
√ Valerie Watkins
Loianne Vester
Otis Barney
√ Mary Farrari (R)
√ Diego Forshaw
√ Tiffani Howell (R)
√ Patricia Linna (R)
√ Gary Macioce (R)
√ Mary Byrnes (R)
√ Joan Ping (R)
√ Kristie Nelson
√ Courtney Duran
√ Adeyinka Adeduntan
√ Keith Benedict
√ Patricia Davis (R)
√ Dawn Gable
√ Alexander Heatherly
√ Jason Josaitis
√ Ryan Judd
√ James Kelly (R)
Frances McGuchin (R)
√ Walter Modelski (R)
√ Timothy Murry
√ Bob Parisi
√ Tom Rauch (R)
√ Bob Sedore (R)
Victor Siemiacz
√ Irene Sly (R)
√ Suzanne Stevens (R)
√ Jeanie Youtsey
√ Kari McLachlin
√ Gwen Heffinger (R)
√ Larysa Larson
Tracy Mitchell
√ Casey Pennington
√ Jeffery Webb
√ Douglas William
√ Arnita Adams
√ Bertha Battista
√ Felicia Davis
√ Ananias Epps
√ Albert Gilliespie
√ Cynthia Harris
√ Katrina Jones
David Lehman (R)
David Marshall
√ Walter McGregory
√ David Rumley
√ Edward Sikora (R)
√ Aron Torh
√ Nakia Whitfield
Angeleta Eaton-Hicks
√ Joe Golonka (R)
√ John Hite
√ Bonnie Price (R)
√ Ramon Robinson
√ Denise Viola
√ Shatyra Youmg
√ Paul Bordine
√ Timothy Bowsher (R)
√ Paul Debruyne
√ Patricia Neeley
√ Dave Roland
√ Danita Hill