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President's Report

January / February 2025


      On Friday January 31, 2025, we all were notified via the NALC.ORG website that 90,040 active letter carriers had taken part in voting on what President Brian Renfroe had called an “Historic Tentative Agreement”. Of the 90,040 carriers that returned their ballots, 56 were not counted because instructions were not followed properly by those completing them; 63,680 members voted to reject the agreement, and 26,304 voted to accept it. This was a clear and loud message sent to President Brian Renfroe that letter carriers deserve much better than what was presented to us in this horrible tentative agreement.

      New negotiations with the Postal Service have begun and will continue for a maximum of 15 calendar days from the date they were re-opened. If President Renfroe is unable to negotiate a better Tentative Agreement with the USPS on behalf of letter carriers, then the parties will enter into binding interest arbitration. President Renfroe has chosen to continue to negotiate with the USPS on his own without members of the NALC executive council in the room with him. The USPS is not negotiating alone. I will keep the membership abreast of any updates on our 2184 Facebook website and at our 2184 meetings.



      On March 30th, 2025 at 2 p.m., Branch 2184 is hosting another Retirement Seminar to be conducted by NALC Region 6 Retirement expert Robbie Gardiner and our Branch 2184 Retiree Officer Scott Watts. The seminar is open to all active Branch 2184 members. I strongly encourage you to attend this training if you plan to retire within the next 5 to 10 years. There will be refreshments provided.




      Branch 2184 received one of the biggest make whole back pay arbitration awards in our Branch’s history (C-36923) from regional arbitrator Doyle O’Connor, who oversaw and ruled on this Inkster case dating back to 12/12/2023 and that was finalized 12/01/2024. The arbitrator’s decision stated in part:


“The grievance is granted in full. Grievant is to be restored to full time paid work status without delay and is to be made whole for all losses incurred. Because of the bad faith conduct and extraordinary procedural recalcitrance of the Employer in this case, a very specific delineation of relief will be provided, and jurisdiction will be retained. The relief shall include:

  1. The grievant is to be immediately reinstated to full time payroll status with all attendant benefits and at the current letter carrier pay rate, with the placement in payroll status to occur no later than the beginning of the next payroll period following December 1, 2024;

  2. The grievant is to receive full back pay and benefits, dating from November 18, 2022 until December 2, 2024.”                                                                                                                          This was a 25-page itemized arbitration award by arbitrator O’Connor. The back pay is estimated to be over $200,000 when all said and done, as the grievant was an ODL carrier. Great team work by the Branch 2184 CAU Team and our Inkster Stewards on this historic case in our Branch’s long grievance/arbitration history.




      As of 2/05/2025, there are 242 members on the page. The page is growing daily. If you are on Facebook, please search for our page. You have to answer a few questions like who your steward(s) is and what building do you work out of or are retired from, and you will be approved. There is up to date information about what is going on within your branch, at the state, regional and national level of the NALC. There are always contractual updates. The page is open to current active and retired Branch 2184 members only.

      I have been made aware by a few Branch 2184 members that some of their comments are being deleted on the Region 6 Facebook page, despite not violating any Facebook website rules. Unfortunately, I don’t control the regional Facebook page. Brothers and sisters, just know that on our Branch 2184 Facebook page, you will never be silenced or deleted just because I don’t agree with your thoughts or because you’re not “kissing the regional ring.” Just remember that all elections have consequences and just because things are oneway today, it does not mean they will remain that way in the future. Stay strong, brothers and sisters of 2184! Change is coming!


      We are in the beginning months of 2025; on behalf of the Officers and Stewards at Branch 2184, we wish you and your loved ones a safe and Happy New Year!

-- Walt McGregory


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